Source code for iodata.formats.extxyz

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# --
"""Extended XYZ file format.

The extended XYZ file format is defined in the
`ASE documentation <>`_.

Usually, the different frames in a trajectory describe different geometries of the same
molecule, with atoms in the same order. The ``load_many`` function below can also
handle an XYZ with different molecules, e.g. a molecular database.


from distutils.util import strtobool
import shlex
from typing import Iterator

import numpy as np

from ..docstrings import document_load_one, document_load_many
from ..periodic import sym2num, num2sym
from ..utils import angstrom, amu, LineIterator

from .xyz import load_one as load_one_xyz

__all__ = []

PATTERNS = ['*.extxyz']

def _convert_title_value(value: str):
    """Search for the correct dtype and convert the string."""
    list_of_splits = value.split()
    # If it is just one item, first try int, then float and finally return a bool or str
    if len(list_of_splits) == 1:
        value = value.strip()
        if value.isdigit():
            converted_value = int(value)
                converted_value = float(value)
            except ValueError:
                    converted_value = strtobool(value)
                except ValueError:
                    converted_value = value
        # Do the same but return it as a numpy array
            converted_value = np.array(list_of_splits, dtype=int)
        except ValueError:
                converted_value = np.array(list_of_splits, dtype=float)
            except ValueError:
                    converted_value = np.array([strtobool(split) for split in list_of_splits],
                except ValueError:
                    converted_value = np.array(list_of_splits, dtype=str)
    return converted_value

def _parse_properties(properties: str):
    """Parse the properties into atom_columns."""
    atom_columns = []
    # Maps the dtype to the atom_columns dtype, load_word and dump_word
    dtype_map = {"S": (np.dtype('U25'), str, "{:10s}".format),
                 "R": (float, float, "{:15.10f}".format),
                 "I": (int, int, "{:10d}".format),
                 "L": (bool, strtobool, lambda boolean: "T" if boolean else "F")}
    # Some predefined iodata attributes which can be mapped
    # pos is assumed to be in angstrom, masses in amu (ase convention)
    # No unit convertion takes place for the other attributes
    atom_column_map = {'pos': ('atcoords', None, (3,), float,
                               (lambda word: float(word) * angstrom),
                               (lambda value: "{:15.10f}".format(value / angstrom))),
                       'masses': ('atmasses', None, (), float,
                                  (lambda word: float(word) * amu),
                                  (lambda value: "{:15.10f}".format(value / amu))),
                       'force': ('atgradient', None, (3,), float,
                                 (lambda word: -float(word)),
                                 (lambda value: "{:15.10f}".format(-value)))}
    atnum_column = ("atnums", None, (), int,
                    (lambda word: int(word) if word.isdigit() else sym2num[word.title()]),
                    (lambda atnum: "{:2s}".format(num2sym[atnum])))
    splitted_properties = properties.split(':')
    assert len(splitted_properties) % 3 == 0
    # Each property has 3 values: its name, dtype and shape
    names = splitted_properties[::3]
    dtypes = splitted_properties[1::3]
    shapes = splitted_properties[2::3]
    if 'Z' in names:
        # Try to map 'Z' to the 'atnums' attribute
        atom_column_map['Z'] = atnum_column
    elif 'species' in names:
        # If 'Z' is not present, use 'species'
        atom_column_map['species'] = atnum_column
    for name, dtype, shape in zip(names, dtypes, shapes):
        if name in atom_column_map.keys():
            # Use the 'extra' attribute to store values which are not predefined in iodata
            if shape == '1':
                shape_suffix = ()
                shape_suffix = (int(shape),)
            atom_columns.append(('extra', name, shape_suffix, *dtype_map[dtype]))
    return atom_columns

def _parse_title(title: str):
    """Parse the title in an extended xyz file."""
    key_value_pairs = shlex.split(title)
    # A dict of predefined iodata atrributes with their names and dtype convertion functions

    def load_cellvecs(word):
        return np.array(word.split(), dtype=float).reshape([3, 3]) * angstrom
    iodata_attrs = {'energy': ('energy', float),
                    'Lattice': ('cellvecs', load_cellvecs),
                    'charge': ('charge', float)}
    data = {}
    for key_value_pair in key_value_pairs:
        if '=' in key_value_pair:
            key, value = key_value_pair.split('=', 1)
            if key == 'Properties':
                atom_columns = _parse_properties(value)
            elif key in iodata_attrs.keys():
                data[iodata_attrs[key][0]] = iodata_attrs[key][1](value)
                data.setdefault('extra', {})[key] = _convert_title_value(value)
            # If no value is given, set it True
            data.setdefault('extra', {})[key_value_pair] = True
    return atom_columns, data

[docs]@document_load_one("EXTXYZ", ['title'], ['atcoords', 'atgradient', 'atmasses', 'atnums', 'cellvecs', 'charge', 'energy', 'extra']) def load_one(lit: LineIterator) -> dict: """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" atom_line = next(lit) title_line = next(lit) # parse title atom_columns, title_data = _parse_title(title_line) lit.back(title_line) lit.back(atom_line) xyz_data = load_one_xyz(lit, atom_columns) # If the extra attribute is present, prevent it from overwriting itself if 'extra' in title_data.keys() and 'extra' in xyz_data.keys(): xyz_data['extra'].update(title_data['extra']) title_data.update(xyz_data) return title_data
[docs]@document_load_many("EXTXYZ", ['title'], ['atcoords', 'atgradient', 'atmasses', 'atnums', 'cellvecs', 'charge', 'energy', 'extra']) def load_many(lit: LineIterator) -> Iterator[dict]: """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" # XYZ Trajectory files are a simple concatenation of individual XYZ files,' # making it trivial to load many frames. while True: try: # Check for and skip empty lines at the end of file line = next(lit) if line.strip() == "": return lit.back(line) yield load_one(lit) except StopIteration: return