Source code for iodata.overlap

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
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# --
"""Module for computing overlap of atomic orbital basis functions."""

from typing import Optional

import attr
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import binom, factorial2

from .overlap_cartpure import tfs
from .basis import convert_conventions, iter_cart_alphabet, MolecularBasis

__all__ = ['OVERLAP_CONVENTIONS', 'compute_overlap', 'gob_cart_normalization']

# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
[docs]def compute_overlap(obasis0: MolecularBasis, atcoords0: np.ndarray, obasis1: Optional[MolecularBasis] = None, atcoords1: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,) -> np.ndarray: r"""Compute overlap matrix for the given molecular basis set(s). .. math:: \braket{\psi_{i}}{\psi_{j}} When only one basis set is given, the overlap matrix of that basis (with itself) is computed. If a second basis set (with its atomic coordinates) is provided, the overlap between the two basis sets is computed. This function takes into account the requested order of the basis functions in ``obasis0.conventions`` (and ``obasis1.conventions``). Note that only L2 normalized primitives are supported at the moment. Parameters ---------- obasis0 The orbital basis set. atcoords0 The atomic Cartesian coordinates (including those of ghost atoms). obasis1 An optional second orbital basis set. atcoords1 An optional second array with atomic Cartesian coordinates (including those of ghost atoms). Returns ------- overlap The matrix with overlap integrals, ``shape=(obasis0.nbasis, obasis1.nbasis)``. """ if obasis0.primitive_normalization != 'L2': raise ValueError('The overlap integrals are only implemented for L2 ' 'normalization.') # Get a segmented basis, for simplicity obasis0 = obasis0.get_segmented() # Handle optional arguments if obasis1 is None: if atcoords1 is not None: raise TypeError("When no second basis is given, no second second " "array of atomic coordinates is expected.") obasis1 = obasis0 atcoords1 = atcoords0 identical = True else: if obasis1.primitive_normalization != 'L2': raise ValueError('The overlap integrals are only implemented for L2 ' 'normalization.') if atcoords1 is None: raise TypeError("When a second basis is given, a second second " "array of atomic coordinates is expected.") # Get a segmented basis, for simplicity obasis1 = obasis1.get_segmented() identical = False # Initialize result overlap = np.zeros((obasis0.nbasis, obasis1.nbasis)) # Compute the normalization constants of the Cartesian primitives, with the # contraction coefficients multiplied in. scales0 = [_compute_cart_shell_normalizations(shell) * shell.coeffs for shell in obasis0.shells] if identical: scales1 = scales0 else: scales1 = [_compute_cart_shell_normalizations(shell) * shell.coeffs for shell in obasis1.shells] n_max = max(np.max(shell.angmoms) for shell in obasis0.shells) if not identical: n_max = max(n_max, max(np.max(shell.angmoms) for shell in obasis1.shells)) go = GaussianOverlap(n_max) # define a python ufunc (numpy function) for broadcasted calling over angular momentums compute_overlap_1d = np.frompyfunc(go.compute_overlap_gaussian_1d, 5, 1) # Loop over shell0 begin0 = 0 # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks for i0, shell0 in enumerate(obasis0.shells): r0 = atcoords0[shell0.icenter] end0 = begin0 + shell0.nbasis # Loop over shell1 (lower triangular only, including diagonal) begin1 = 0 if identical: nshell1 = i0 + 1 else: nshell1 = len(obasis1.shells) for i1, shell1 in enumerate(obasis1.shells[:nshell1]): r1 = atcoords1[shell1.icenter] end1 = begin1 + shell1.nbasis # prepare some constants to save FLOPS later on rij = r0 - r1 rij_norm_sq =, rij) # Check if the result is going to significant. a0_min = np.min(shell0.exponents) a1_min = np.min(shell1.exponents) prefactor_max = np.exp(-a0_min * a1_min * rij_norm_sq / (a0_min + a1_min)) if prefactor_max > 1e-15: # START of Cartesian coordinates. Shell types are positive # arrays of angular momentums [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], ..., [0, 1, 1]] n0 = np.array(list(iter_cart_alphabet(shell0.angmoms[0]))) n1 = np.array(list(iter_cart_alphabet(shell1.angmoms[0]))) shell_overlap = np.zeros((n0.shape[0], n1.shape[0])) # Loop over primitives in shell0 (Cartesian) for shell_scales0, a0 in zip(scales0[i0], shell0.exponents): a0_r0 = a0 * r0 # Loop over primitives in shell1 (Cartesian) for shell_scales1, a1 in zip(scales1[i1], shell1.exponents): at = a0 + a1 prefactor = np.exp(-a0 * a1 / at * rij_norm_sq) if prefactor < 1e-15: continue # prepare some pre-factors to save FLOPS in inner loop two_at = 2 * at prefactor *= (np.pi / at) ** (3 / 2) rn = (a0_r0 + a1 * r1) / at rn_0 = rn - r0 rn_1 = rn - r1 # Note that frompyfunc-ed functions return arrays with # dtype=object. This is converted back to floats as # early as possible to improve performance of subsequent # array operations. vs = compute_overlap_1d(rn_0, rn_1, n0[:, None, :], n1[None, :, :], two_at) v =, axis=2) v *= prefactor v *= shell_scales0[:, None] v *= shell_scales1[None, :] shell_overlap += v # END of Cartesian coordinate system (if going to pure coordinates) # cart to pure if shell0.kinds[0] == 'p': shell_overlap =[shell0.angmoms[0]], shell_overlap) if shell1.kinds[0] == 'p': shell_overlap =, tfs[shell1.angmoms[0]].T) # store lower triangular result overlap[begin0:end0, begin1:end1] = shell_overlap if identical: # store upper triangular result overlap[begin1:end1, begin0:end0] = shell_overlap.T begin1 = end1 begin0 = end0 permutation0, signs0 = convert_conventions(obasis0, OVERLAP_CONVENTIONS, reverse=True) overlap = overlap[permutation0] * signs0.reshape(-1, 1) if identical: permutation1, signs1 = permutation0, signs0 else: permutation1, signs1 = convert_conventions(obasis1, OVERLAP_CONVENTIONS, reverse=True) overlap = overlap[:, permutation1] * signs1 return overlap
[docs]class GaussianOverlap: """Gaussian Overlap Class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, n_max): """Initialize class. Parameters ---------- n_max : int Maximum angular momentum. """ self.binomials = [[binom(n, i) for i in range(n + 1)] for n in range(n_max + 1)] facts = [factorial2(m, 2) for m in range(2 * n_max)] facts.insert(0, 1) self.facts = np.array(facts)
[docs] def compute_overlap_gaussian_1d(self, x1, x2, n1, n2, two_at): """Compute overlap integral of two Gaussian functions in one-dimensions.""" # compute overlap value = 0 for i in range(n1 + 1): pf_i = self.binomials[n1][i] * x1 ** (n1 - i) for j in range(i % 2, n2 + 1, 2): m = i + j integ = self.facts[m] / two_at ** (m / 2) # TODO // 2 value += pf_i * self.binomials[n2][j] * x2 ** (n2 - j) * integ return value
def _compute_cart_shell_normalizations(shell: 'Shell') -> np.ndarray: """Return normalization constants for the primitives in a given shell. Parameters ---------- shell The shell for which the normalization constants must be computed. Returns ------- np.ndarray The normalization constants, always for Cartesian functions, even when shell is pure. """ shell = attr.evolve(shell, kinds=['c'] * shell.ncon) result = [] for angmom in shell.angmoms: for exponent in shell.exponents: row = [] for n in iter_cart_alphabet(angmom): row.append(gob_cart_normalization(exponent, n)) result.append(row) return np.array(result)
[docs]def gob_cart_normalization(alpha: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute normalization of exponent. Parameters ---------- alpha Gaussian basis exponents n Cartesian subshell angular momenta Returns ------- np.ndarray The normalization constant for the gaussian cartesian basis. """ return np.sqrt((4 * alpha) ** sum(n) * (2 * alpha / np.pi) ** 1.5 / * n - 1)))