Source code for iodata.utils

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# --
"""Utility functions module."""

from typing import Tuple
import warnings

import attr
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as spc
from scipy.linalg import eigh

from .attrutils import validate_shape

__all__ = ['LineIterator', 'Cube', 'set_four_index_element', 'volume',
           'derive_naturals', 'check_dm']

# The unit conversion factors below can be used as follows:
# - Conversion to atomic units: distance = 5*angstrom
# - Conversion from atomic units: print(distance/angstrom)
angstrom: float = spc.angstrom / spc.value('atomic unit of length')
electronvolt: float = 1 / spc.value('hartree-electron volt relationship')
# Unit conversion for Gromacs gro files
meter: float = 1 / spc.value('Bohr radius')
nanometer: float = 1e-9 * meter
second: float = 1 / spc.value('atomic unit of time')
picosecond: float = 1e-12 * second
# atomic mass unit (not atomic unit of mass!)
amu: float = 1e-3 / (spc.value('electron mass') * spc.value('Avogadro constant'))
kcalmol: float = 1e3 * spc.calorie / spc.value('Avogadro constant') / spc.value('Hartree energy')
calmol: float = spc.calorie / spc.value('Avogadro constant') / spc.value('Hartree energy')
kjmol: float = 1e3 / spc.value('Avogadro constant') / spc.value('Hartree energy')

[docs]class FileFormatError(IOError): """Raised when incorrect content is encountered when loading files."""
[docs]class FileFormatWarning(Warning): """Raised when incorrect content is encountered and fixed when loading files."""
[docs]class LineIterator: """Iterator class for looping over lines and keeping track of the line number."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename: str): """Initialize a LineIterator. Parameters ---------- filename The file that will be read. """ self.filename = filename self.f = open(filename) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with self.lineno = 0 self.stack = []
def __del__(self): self.f.close() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """Return the next line and increase the lineno attribute by one.""" if self.stack: line = self.stack.pop() else: line = next(self.f) self.lineno += 1 return line
[docs] def error(self, msg: str): """Raise an error while reading a file. Parameters ---------- msg Message to raise alongside filename and line number. """ raise FileFormatError("{}:{} {}".format(self.filename, self.lineno, msg))
[docs] def warn(self, msg: str): """Raise a warning while reading a file. Parameters ---------- msg Message to raise alongside filename and line number. """ warnings.warn("{}:{} {}".format(self.filename, self.lineno, msg), FileFormatWarning, 2)
[docs] def back(self, line): """Go one line back and decrease the lineno attribute by one.""" self.stack.append(line) self.lineno -= 1
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, on_setattr=[attr.setters.validate, attr.setters.convert]) class Cube: """The volumetric data from a cube (or similar) file. Attributes ---------- origin A 3D vector with the origin of the axes frame. axes A (3, 3) array where each row represents the spacing between two neighboring grid points along the first, second and third axis, respectively. data A (K, L, M) array of data on a uniform grid """ origin: np.ndarray = attr.ib(validator=validate_shape(3)) axes: np.ndarray = attr.ib(validator=validate_shape(3, 3)) data: np.ndarray = attr.ib(validator=validate_shape(None, None, None)) @property def shape(self): """Shape of the rectangular grid.""" # noqa: D401 return
[docs]def set_four_index_element(four_index_object: np.ndarray, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int, value: float): """Assign values to a four index object, account for 8-fold index symmetry. This function assumes physicists' notation. Parameters ---------- four_index_object The four-index object. It will be written to. shape=(nbasis, nbasis, nbasis, nbasis), dtype=float i, j, k, l The indices to assign to. value The value of the matrix element to store. """ four_index_object[i, j, k, l] = value four_index_object[j, i, l, k] = value four_index_object[k, j, i, l] = value four_index_object[i, l, k, j] = value four_index_object[k, l, i, j] = value four_index_object[l, k, j, i] = value four_index_object[j, k, l, i] = value four_index_object[l, i, j, k] = value
[docs]def volume(cellvecs: np.ndarray) -> float: """Calculate the (generalized) cell volume. Parameters ---------- cellvecs A numpy matrix of shape (x,3) where x is in {1,2,3}. Each row is one cellvector. Returns ------- volume In case of 3D, the cell volume. In case of 2D, the cell area. In case of 1D, the cell length. """ nvecs = cellvecs.shape[0] if len(cellvecs.shape) == 1 or nvecs == 1: return np.linalg.norm(cellvecs) if nvecs == 2: return np.linalg.norm(np.cross(cellvecs[0], cellvecs[1])) if nvecs == 3: return np.linalg.det(cellvecs) raise ValueError("Argument cellvecs should be of shape (x, 3), where x is in {1, 2, 3}")
[docs]def derive_naturals(dm: np.ndarray, overlap: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Derive natural orbitals from a given density matrix. Parameters ---------- dm The density matrix. shape=(nbasis, nbasis) overlap The overlap matrix shape=(nbasis, nbasis) Returns ------- coeffs Orbital coefficients shape=(nbasis, nfn) occs Orbital occupations shape=(nfn, ) """ # Transform density matrix to Fock-like form sds =,, overlap)) # Diagonalize and compute eigenvalues evals, evecs = eigh(sds, overlap) coeffs = np.zeros_like(overlap) coeffs = evecs[:, :coeffs.shape[1]] occs = evals return coeffs, occs
[docs]def check_dm(dm: np.ndarray, overlap: np.ndarray, eps: float = 1e-4, occ_max: float = 1.0): """Check if the density matrix has eigenvalues in the proper range. Parameters ---------- dm The density matrix shape=(nbasis, nbasis), dtype=float overlap The overlap matrix shape=(nbasis, nbasis), dtype=float eps The threshold on the eigenvalue inequalities. occ_max The maximum occupation. Raises ------ ValueError When the density matrix has wrong eigenvalues. """ # construct natural orbitals occupations = derive_naturals(dm, overlap)[1] if occupations.min() < -eps: raise ValueError('The density matrix has eigenvalues considerably smaller than ' 'zero. error=%e' % (occupations.min())) if occupations.max() > occ_max + eps: raise ValueError('The density matrix has eigenvalues considerably larger than ' 'max. error=%e' % (occupations.max() - 1))