iodata.docstrings module

Docstring decorators for file format implementations.

document_dump_many(fmt, required, optional=None, kwdocs={}, notes=None)[source]

Decorate a dump_many function to generate a docstring.

  • fmt (str) – The name of the file format.

  • required (List[str]) – A list of mandatory IOData attributes needed to write the file.

  • optional (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of optional IOData attributes which can be include when writing the file.

  • kwdocs (Dict[str, str]) – A dictionary with documentation for keyword arguments. Each key is a keyword argument name and the corresponding value is text explaining the argument.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Additional information to be added to the docstring.


A decorator function.

Return type:


document_dump_one(fmt, required, optional=None, kwdocs={}, notes=None)[source]

Decorate a dump_one function to generate a docstring.

  • fmt (str) – The name of the file format.

  • required (List[str]) – A list of mandatory IOData attributes needed to write the file.

  • optional (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of optional IOData attributes which can be include when writing the file.

  • kwdocs (Dict[str, str]) – A dictionary with documentation for keyword arguments. Each key is a keyword argument name and the corresponding value is text explaining the argument.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Additional information to be added to the docstring.


A decorator function.

Return type:


document_load_many(fmt, guaranteed, ifpresent=None, kwdocs={}, notes=None)[source]

Decorate a load_many function to generate a docstring.

  • fmt (str) – The name of the file format.

  • guaranteed (List[str]) – A list of IOData attributes this format can certainly read.

  • ifpresent (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of IOData attributes this format reads of present in the file.

  • kwdocs (Dict[str, str]) – A dictionary with documentation for keyword arguments. Each key is a keyword argument name and the corresponding value is text explaining the argument.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Additional information to be added to the docstring.


A decorator function.

Return type:


document_load_one(fmt, guaranteed, ifpresent=None, kwdocs={}, notes=None)[source]

Decorate a load_one function to generate a docstring.

  • fmt (str) – The name of the file format.

  • guaranteed (List[str]) – A list of IOData attributes this format can certainly read.

  • ifpresent (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of IOData attributes this format reads of present in the file.

  • kwdocs (Dict[str, str]) – A dictionary with documentation for keyword arguments. Each key is a keyword argument name and the corresponding value is text explaining the argument.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Additional information to be added to the docstring.


A decorator function.

Return type:


document_write_input(fmt, required, optional=None, kwdocs={}, notes=None)[source]

Decorate a write_input function to generate a docstring.

  • fmt (str) – The name of the file format.

  • required (List[str]) – A list of mandatory IOData attributes needed to write the file.

  • optional (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of optional IOData attributes which can be include when writing the file.

  • kwdocs (Dict[str, str]) – A dictionary with documentation for keyword arguments. Each key is a keyword argument name and the corresponding value is text explaining the argument.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Additional information to be added to the docstring.


A decorator function.

Return type:
